Studying the past, shows clearly that modern Arena and Stadia, just like the Coliseum in Rome are conceived as monolithic craters.  Subsequently, the heart of the Stadium or Arena, the “factory floor”, still requires, intensive manual handling.  This, is not only by all accounts, inefficient, it is a blight, at a time when all of our everyday needs requires only the push of a button.  
In 1972 our first product was a built in, foldable, seating system, which transformed from a flat floor to a raked seating area.  By 1987 the first fully automated conversion system was unveiled to the world at the Yokohama Arena, in Japan.  The entire floor of the arena consists of hundreds of individual platforms, motors, drive trains and 11,000 computer-controlled seats.  One could call it a robotic floor.  
The definition of a robot, “a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically”, is perfectly applicable to our vision, our mission and our field of expertise.  
We are prepared to turn the floor of any space requiring changeovers and thus Multi-Purpose properties into a robot: nothing less, nothing more, just a very large, efficient robot.